

Image                        A  COMPLETE WORLD                The pleasures of this world are short-lived. Its beauty soon fades from our vision. How much man longs for worldly honor and happiness, but before he has even begun to savor them, they begin to dwindle away to nothing. The world has everything that man wants, but it is not possible for anyone - even those who seem to have everything in life - to achieve. all that they desire. Happiness is not necessarily the lot of the successful. Man, as a being, is perfect, but his world is tragically imperfect. His life is meaningless until he inherits a world free of all limitations and disadvantages. As compensation for the incompleteness of this world, God has given us paradise. But gaining entry to it will be no easy matter. The price that has to be paid for an alter-life of perfection is living through the present world of imperfection and being able to sacrifice this world for the next. This is the only way to ente


Image   THE BELIEVER: GOD'S INDUSTRY Everyone is an industry. Some produce nothing but flames and poison in the sense that they make arrogant misuse of their power whenever they are given the opportunity; they are ostentatious in their expenditure; they aim at the destruction of those who are under their command; they are bitter and malignant towards those with whom they disagree; they are selfish, unjust and stubborn in their dealings. Such people have established an infernal industry within themselves. Whatever enters into them comes out in an evil form. They will find themselves engulfed by that which they produced. They will enter a fire of their own making. Others respond to the possession of power humbly. They are quick to acknowledge just criticism. They spend their wealth for the cause of God. They do not assert themselves when they get the opportunity; they prefer to adopt an attitude of humility and attribute all credit to God alone. They are just and


Image           THE LONG ROAD OF PATIENCE God's beloved servant strives to please God, not himself; he follows the path of truth rather than the dictates of his own self; he attaches more importance to honor in the next life than to worldly prestige; he does not revenge himself on others, even if they wrong him time and time again. This is the path of patience. Certainly, the road of patience is long and arduous, but it is the only road that can lead one to paradise. Paradise will be granted to the patient, and the patient is those who are willing to bear every loss for God's sake. In this world of trial one is bound to encounter difficulties and setbacks. Those who desire paradise should know that the path that they will have to tread will not be an easy one: they will have to bear persecution from others; they will have to endure protracted periods of waiting; they will have to put up with persecution from rivals. Those who are seeking the truth should be ca


Image                                 HEAVENLY VISION All of God's creation is so astounding that were man to behold it, he would be lost in admiration of its absolute perfection. The face of the Creator is reflected in the wonders of His creation. But we have seen so much of the world that our senses have been dulled. We have become so familiar with the world around us that we fail to marvel at it as we should. Water, birds, and trees - indeed everything in nature - are too wonderful for words. Everything is a reflection of the Creator. But we cannot see how amazing it all is. We are too familiar with it all. In this man is being tested. It is for him to perceive extraordinary qualities in ordinary things. If one gazes at the world in awe, one will feel God's presence everywhere. One will live on earth as if one was face to face with God. To behold God and to feel His immanence is the greatest discovery man can make in this world. If one is blessed with heave


                                                                                  CLOSENESS TO GOD Only those who have recognized God in this world will be admitted to God's paradise in the next. The discovery of God with conviction even though in this world God is invisible; who hears God speaking to him with each throb of his heart; who reads the Book of God with a feeling that the pages of his own nature are being unfolded. The discoverer of God is one whose moribund spirit has been quickened by faith; whose heart has: been purified by the remembrance of God; who proceeds by the light of God; whose heart trembles at the very mention of God's name; who receives God with tears and whose whole being surrendered unto Him. Whoever is close to God is close to heaven. Closeness to God begins in this world and culminates in the next. A person who experiences closeness to God feels that he sees an unseen reality. He feels very close to the most dista


                                                                                                      GOD'S NEIGHBOUR The one who has discovered God becomes close to God even in this world. His spirit is bathed in the light of God. If even the sight of flowers arouses finer feelings in a person, how can one discover God and not be moved to a state of sublime ecstasy? Many people claim to be close to God but are in fact still a long way from Him. They speak of God, but their actions show that they have not even recognized their Lord. They take God's name but have not tasted the sweetness of the name which they utter. They claim to have found God but have not experienced the fragrance of His garden. They display religious fervor in public, but there are no signs of their souls being illuminated with the light of God. They consider that God's paradise is reserved exclusively for them, but their lives are not touched by a heavenly breeze. A

Be The Light

Image   As we go through life, we face many challenges and hardships. These moments of difficulty can sometimes feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to imagine a way forward. However, in these moments, it is important to remember that there is always hope. No matter how dark things may seem, there is always a way to find the light.   Being the light means being a beacon of hope, inspiration, and positivity for those around you. It means choosing to see the good in every situation, even in the midst of hardship. It means choosing to be kind, even when it is difficult. It means choosing to believe in yourself and in others, even in the face of adversity. One of the most powerful examples of being the light comes from the story of Anne Frank. Anne and her family were forced to hide in an attic in Amsterdam during World War II to escape persecution from the Nazis. Despite the unimaginable hardship and fear they faced, Anne remained optimistic and hopeful. She found solace