
                                HEAVENLY VISION

All of God's creation is so astounding that were man to behold it, he would be lost in admiration of its absolute perfection. The face of the Creator is reflected in the wonders of His creation. But we have seen so much of the world that our senses have been dulled. We have become so familiar with the world around us that we fail to marvel at it as we should. Water, birds, and trees - indeed everything in nature - are too wonderful for words. Everything is a reflection of the Creator. But we cannot see how amazing it all is. We are too familiar with it all.

In this man is being tested. It is for him to perceive extraordinary qualities in ordinary things. If one gazes at the world in awe, one will feel God's presence everywhere. One will live on earth as if one was face to face with God.

To behold God and to feel His immanence is the greatest discovery man can make in this world. If one is blessed with heavenly vision, one will perceive the light of God in the rays of sunlight. The spectacle of trees will portray the one the countenance of God. One will feel God's touch in every gentle breeze. When one lays one's forehead on the ground in prostratiĆ³n one will feel as if one has cast oneself at God's feet. God is everywhere, but only those fortunate ones who have been blessed with heavenly vision can behold him.


                        GOD'S WORSHIPPERS

Only one who is really in love with someone can be moved to tears by the memory of his beloved. If one feels no attachment for someone, one cannot, simply because some occasion calls for it, force oneself to cry for that person.

Some adopt an attitude of humility towards their fellow men, while others remain arrogant. Some are fair and just, while others oppress and persecute their fellows. Some are humble, and others are proud. Some submit to the truth, others do not. Both types of people cannot worship God in a similar fashion. Only the first group will be humble in their worship. The second group cannot become God's humble servants just by adopting the humble postures of worship as the occasion demands. Humility in one's worship is the result of a life of humility. One who is not humble in the totality of his existence cannot then be humble in his worship.

Those who truly worship God will enter paradise. They are the ones who serve God at all times, not just at specified times of worship. Paradise is an abode of truth.

It has been prepared specially for those who are true in their worship. Those whose worship is insincere will never be admitted to such an abode.https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MY8V86Q/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_RPKE255EQRFEHY58HQ3S?linkCode=ml2&tag=naureenasher-20


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