Everyone is an industry. Some produce nothing but flames and poison in the sense that they make arrogant misuse of their power whenever they are given the opportunity; they are ostentatious in their expenditure; they aim at the destruction of those who are under their command; they are bitter and malignant towards those with whom they disagree; they are selfish, unjust and stubborn in their dealings.

Such people have established an infernal industry within themselves. Whatever enters into them comes out in an evil form. They will find themselves engulfed by that which they produced. They will enter a fire of their own making.

Others respond to the possession of power humbly. They are quick to acknowledge just criticism.

They spend their wealth for the cause of God. They do not assert themselves when they get the opportunity; they prefer to adopt an attitude of humility and attribute all credit to God alone. They are just and benevolent towards those who are at their mercy.

Such people have established God's industry within themselves. Whatever enters into them is molded into a divine form. They are cultivating a crop of fragrant flowers in this world, and they will abide eternally in the gardens which they have cultivated on Earth.


True faith should become an integral part of one's thinking. It should permeate one's heart and mind. Everything - thoughts and desires, love and fear - should be subordinate to one's faith. This is the supreme degree of faith. One of such faith is protected by God in this world, and one provided with divine protection on earth is sure of it in the hereafter. Other believers work both good and evil, but they admit their faults. Hopefully, God will forgive them, for He is forgiving and merciful.

The strong in faith act according to their belief, but those weaker in their faith cannot achieve such consistency of faith and action. They, too, will receive God's eternal blessings, but to do so, they should show contribution and not persist in their errors; they should openly admit their faults and not try to justify them; they should confess their guilt instead of trying to explain it away; they should show no signs of irritation when their faults are pointed out, but should bow in acquiesence; they should make up, with tears of humble entreaty, for what they lack in virtue. Those who do not even have this much to offer cannot expect forgiveness from God.


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