Those who delight in heavenly action in this world will taste the delights of paradise in eternity. Heaven is for those who depend more on God's invisible support than on the visible props of this world; who love and fear God above all things; who are willing to obey the Prophet under any circumstances; to whom eternity matters more than this world; who prefer to acknowledge truth than to reject it; who derive more satisfaction from tears shed for God's sake. than from heedless peals of laughter. If a question of pride comes in the way of acknowledging the truth, they are ready to accept the truth at the cost of wounded pride. Forgiving those who wrong them pleases them more than seeking revenge. Fairness to others is dearer to them than usurpation of others' rights. They prefer to suppress feelings of envy and contempt which flare up within them than to express them. They do not form a bad opinion of others, but prefer to think well of



God requires man to offer up his wealth for God's sake.

In return, He has promised man salvation in the next world.

Man evades his responsibilities, excusing himself on the grounds of the difficulties of life, but these difficulties are precious opportunities which could be used to please his Lord. The stumbling blocks which hinder a person in real submission to God are, in fact, openings for spiritual enlightenment. They provide him with opportunities for real progress. Life's tribulations should not discourage one: one should overcome them and continue on one's journey, for they are stages on the path to God.

God's most beloved servant is the one who suppresses his desires for God's sake; who gives up the comforts of life on His behalf; who surmounts all obstacles in his journey towards God. One does not succeed in this world by accumulating wealth; one succeeds by spending one's wealth in the cause of God.

The healthiest are those who have lost their health in the path of God. The richest are those who have impoverished themselves for God's sake. The highest in esteem are those who have lost worldly esteem in the service of the Lord. The most fortunate are those who reach their Lord with nothing but good deeds to their credit. These are the ones on whom God will shower His mercy.


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