A cup of self-love


A cup of self-love


 Sometimes people make you feel like it's hard to love yourself. But it's not. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Love yourself first, and only then are you ready to be loved. Whoever that might have been, does not deserve your thoughts or feelings. Not anymore don’t let them do that to you. You deserve it; being kind to ourselves is one of the most important things we can do. It's not always easy, but it gets easier with practice. Self-love is about treating yourself with compassion and respect.     
Best version of yourself

 You are so beautiful and I want this world to see it too. If you're feeling down about yourself, don't. Regardless of what anyone tells you, you are special, not just another face in the crowd. You are special. You have something that no one else has, and that is why you matter. You are unique because there will never be anyone exactly like you on earth. And that's the point: not to be like someone else - to make each moment of your life count for good! Take time today to remind yourself of all you are worth and all you have to offer. We all know that self-love is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. It's time to make it a daily practice. You have a purpose, and it is up to YOU to determine what that is. From there, you can proceed to live your life to the fullest.

Be gentle with yourself

Don’t waste another minute of your time feeling negative about yourself! It's like this, you were born to stand out and shine. People are drawn to people who are different, and you are special. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Life is far too short to spend time worrying about things that don't matter. It's time to start living your dreams. No matter what you have been through, you are special. You are so much more than just a name, a number, or the way someone else wants you to be. Yes, everyone has challenges to overcome, but that doesn't mean they are not unique in their quest for happiness and success. Your destiny is up to you. Don't rush it, but move with confidence knowing that your future will unfold beautifully. It is okay if you are still healing into the person you want to be. It is okay if you have things to work on, people to forgive, and lessons to learn. Your life is a work in progress, so just keep working at it until you are ready to love yourself unconditionally.                                           
Be kind to yourself


Please remember 1 thing: You are a beautiful, loving, and important person who deserves nothing but the best in life, who deserves happiness and peace every single day, who just wants to be treated with kindness and respect from everyone, who deserves to treat themselves with kindness too. Love yourself and others will follow. You can't take anything with you when you leave this world, but the memories of your love and kindness remain. They are yours forever Treat yourself with respect today and every day because you are worth it!


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