

Man longs more than anything for a world full of happiness. This longing is inborn in every human being, but everyone leaves the world without ever having achieved it. Man wants to see all his desires satisfied in this world, but the world cannot provide what he wants; so man is left in a state of disillusionment.

While we are still on the road to success, death ends everything. We make huge advances in the field of technology, only to see them rendered meaningless by new problems. We build for ourselves the kind of home we have always dreamed of having but, in it, we are still. beset by the rivalry, jealousy, enmity, and vengeance of others.

Man is right to long for an ideal world, but he can never find it on Earth. He will have to wait until the next life for the realization of such a world. Faith in eternity invests our life on earth with meaning. Our life on Earth is one of struggle and in eternity we will be rewarded for our efforts on Earth.

 If one considers this world the ultimate destination one is bound to be disappointed; but if one looks ahead to eternity, then a world of eternal contentment opens out before one.

In a world where we seem bound to lose, only a faith that tells us the secret of turning our losses into gains can be the true one.

Avoiding Disaster


Man works hard to build a solid financial base for his life. When he builds a fine house for himself, he feels that his efforts have been rewarded. He builds success for himself in the world. Then suddenly death overtakes him.

He leaves his home for the grave. His fine body is devoured by earth and worms. His worldly gain comes to nothing as if there had been no connection between him and his achievements.

He dreamt of mansions in the world; now he has to enter the grave. Finally, he is raised from the dead and brought before the Lord to be judged. He will be absolutely destitute there. He will not even have clothes to cover his body with. Everything he had earned will come to naught. His friends will desert him. He will be left powerless. He will be deprived of all the support which made him so sure of himself on earth.

It is an ill-fated journey on which one meets disaster as one nears one's destination. It is a strange traveler who thinks that he is heading towards his goal and only realizes that he has been on the wrong track all along as he nears his destination.


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