Taking Mental Health Seriously

 Mental health is something that not enough of us think about. Yet, it’s so important and has a huge impact on our lives. With the pressures of everyday life getting more and more intense, it’s no surprise that mental health has taken a hit. Mental illnesses are on the rise, with the World Health Organization estimating that by 2020 they will be the leading cause of disease and disability in the world. In fact, one in four people will suffer from some form of mental illness at some point in their life. But you don’t have to be one of those people. With these helpful tips, you can live your best life and improve your mental health every day!

Know what’s normal and what’s not

One of the first steps to getting your mental health in check is to know what’s normal and what isn’t. Unfortunately, most people don’t even know where to start, which is why so many people are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Make sure you’re aware of the signs and symptoms of the most common mental illnesses so you can be sure that if you’re experiencing them, you can get the help you need. If you are experiencing troubling symptoms, don’t be afraid to get help. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and it does not make you weak. In fact, it is the opposite—getting help for your mental health issues is incredibly brave.


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Meditation is becoming increasingly popular as people realize just how helpful it can be. This ancient practice has been proven to lower anxiety, improve focus, and make you happier. What’s not to love? One study even found that just 20 minutes of meditation each day can reduce anxiety by as much as 62%. It’s also been shown to reduce depression, increase energy, and improve your general health. Why so many people rave about the benefits of meditation is because it’s one of the easiest things you can do for your mental health. Anyone can do it and all you need is a quiet space, a few minutes, and the desire to relax.

Get enough rest

It’s a fact: lack of sleep is bad for your mental health. In fact, research has found that people who don’t get enough sleep are at higher risk of developing anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD. That’s not even mentioning just how much of a toll lack of sleep takes on your body. Lack of sleep has been linked to a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and even certain cancers. In other words, it’s not something to take lightly.

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly

Exercise has been proven to help with everything from anxiety to depression. In fact, one study even found that regular exercise was just as effective as medication for treating anxiety. Exercise stimulates the brain, releasing endorphins and serotonin, two chemicals that make you feel happier and relaxed. It’s also a great stress reliever, which can reduce the risk of anxiety and depression. Why so many people don’t exercise enough when it has such incredible benefits is a mystery. Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or take hours out of your day. In fact, even a 10-minute walk around the block can make a difference.

Eat a healthy diet

healthy diet
Are you eating a balanced diet? Eating healthy isn’t just about looking good, it’s also about feeling good. A diet rich in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables has been shown to lower the risk of mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. Other mood-boosting foods include eggs, which contain B vitamins that help the brain produce serotonin, and fish, which contain omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-anxiety properties.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes!, Ofcourse Mano She Is Awesome Doing Her Own Good Work By The Way And She Is So Amazing Mano.

  2. Love it, will definitely try it out!

  3. wonderful information

  4. Wow!, Nice Going Ammi Jan.


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