Self-love is't selfish

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 Imagine a doctor who has patients lined up for checkups in the waiting area of a hospital but the doctor has his own health issues. how is the doctor able to help patients if he is not well?

Is this doctor selfish while taking care of himself in order to make himself available for his patient's well-being? Similarly, self-love means taking care of oneself in order to be able to take care of others Whereas selfish behavior is totally the opposite meaning that one is concerned about oneself only without even thinking about anyone else?

selfish behavior leads to many problems in society and hence yields complex relationship issues.

Self-love is not selfish. It makes you more understanding, empathetic, and a better friend. A person who has the power to love oneself always has the power to love others. A selfish person is one who is self-centered and alone. Self-love on the contrary generates a positive attitude toward life. Selfishness is a negative behavior that everyone should avoid, whereas self-love on the other hand is positive and constructive. Selfish people always think about themselves only without even considering others. On the contrary, people who love themselves will try to understand others' needs, wishes and desires before deciding or making their own life. Self-love plans are the key to happiness and acceptance of yourself. It helps in overcoming all the negative emotions such as fear and anxiety, which are root causes of conflicts. Self-love is a key ingredient of happiness. It does not prevent you from loving others, but your desire to be the best for yourself makes you feel better about yourself and therefore more friendly toward other people. Selfish people are the ones who just want to be alone and don't care about anyone else. A selfless person on the other hand is one who's always looking out for others, loving even. The best way to describe it is: when you love a beggar, you give him dignity".The needy people who stuck to the other side of their lives because they have not developed themselves and others in a good way. They have settled for being ordinary. Self-love is not the same as being selfish. A selfish person is self-centered, egocentric, and full of himself. This means that he always thinks about himself first and foremost before considering others. Self-love on the other hand helps us to build inner confidence that allows us to give our best in life and makes it easy for other people to get along with us.  A person who has the power to love oneself always has the power to love others. Self-love is not a selfish act, rather it makes you more sensitive toward others' feelings. Self-care means taking care of your body, mind, and soul without any expectations. A person who loves himself is able to love others and make it easier for others. When you truly love yourself and feel happy with yourself, you are able to be more content with the people in your life. Loving yourself and being happy with who you are helping to create a better life for others too. The person who loves himself is able to love others much better. This is the reason why self-love is not selfish. You may think that you are being selfish by taking time to love yourself, but in reality, it's a gift you are giving yourself to be able to give love more freely and fully to those around you

CONCLUSION: I want everyone to understand that self-love isn't selfish, it's beautiful and necessary. Self-love is what keeps us going and it's what we need to feel good about ourselves.


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