
Showing posts from January, 2024


Image GODLY PEOPLE Most people seem to be devoted to God under normal conditions. Then, when something untoward happens, they suddenly change. Emotions like love and hate, questions of honor and prestige, overcome them and push their attachment to God into the background. They are devout under normal conditions, but in extraordinary situations, they act like people who have no thought of God. Those who are really devoted to God fear Him at all times. They do not let themselves be led astray by their love for someone; they stay within the bounds that God has laid down. They are never overcome by hate; they are just with everyone, even, with their enemies. Worldly honor and prestige can never prevent them from acknowledging the truth. God's true servants earnestly seek to rectify themselves; they are conscious of their faults; they constantly scrutinize their actions and can see themselves objectively; they look at themselves from a realistic point of view - the


Image TWO KINDS OF SOUL There are two types of human beings: Those who follow basic desires and those who adopt a pure way of life. Some despise others and thrive on ostentatious and self-centered pursuits. Their souls are inimical to truth and their minds are full of selfish and conceited thoughts. They like inconveniencing others; they derive immense pleasure from taking advantage of the weaknesses of others. Such people are living on infernal provision and will abide in hell in the hereafter. Then some are pure in spirit. Others' success causes them genuine pleasure. They are happy to forgive those who are at their mercy. They are loving and wish their fellows well; they thrive on humility and meekness. Such people are living in a heavenly atmosphere. They are content to concede a disputed point to others. When their faults are pointed out they are quick to admit them. They are restless until they have paid back their debts. Such people live on heavenly provisi


  THE INHERITANCE OF PARADISE The freedom which man has been given on earth is not permanent. It has been granted to him for a certain time and for a specific reason: that he may be put to the test.  God wishes to see who make good use of their freedom, so that He may reward such people. Those who are spoiled by their freedom will be cast into hell. The world will end when the test of man is complete. When man's test has run its course, the Lord will take over direct control of the earth, as he already has done with the rest of the universe. Then the good will be separated from the bad. The goodwill inherits life everlasting in heaven, while the wicked will be condemned to eternal punishment. Those worthy of abiding in the future world of heaven are being selected in this world. Those who obey God, despite their freedom, and voluntarily impose God's will upon themselves, deserve paradise. During man's trial, all kinds of people have been allowed to inhabit the world. When


Image Introduction : In a world bombarded by unrealistic beauty standards, it's crucial to challenge the notion that beauty is confined to a specific size. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and the journey towards self-love begins with embracing the uniqueness of our bodies. This blog aims to shed light on the empowering concept that "my size is beautiful" and explore the importance of body positivity in fostering a healthier relationship with oneself. Body  Positivity: A Cultural Shift The societal pressure to conform to a particular body size has long perpetuated harmful ideals, leading to body shaming and low self-esteem. Fortunately, a cultural shift is underway, with the body positivity movement gaining momentum. This movement encourages individuals to appreciate and love their bodies, regardless of size, shape, or imperfections. The Reality of Diverse Beauty: It's time to challenge the narrow definition of beauty that dominates media and adv

Affirmations For Anxiety

Affirmations for Anxiety Anxiety affects people from all walks of life, and while it is something that is often difficult to manage, there are ways you can use affirmations to combat the negative experiences it brings. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to help change negative thought patterns and increase positivity. If you are someone who struggles with anxiety, affirmations can be a great tool to add to your mental health arsenal. They can help you shift your focus away from negative thoughts and experiences and move towards more positive and uplifting ones. Here are some affirmations that you can use to help manage your anxiety: 1. “I am safe and secure.” Anxiety can often leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed. Repeating this affirmation can help you feel more secure and grounded, reminding you that you are in control of your safety. 2. “I can handle whatever comes my way.” Anxiety can be triggered by feelings of uncertainty and fear of the unknown.

You Are Limited Edition

  Have you ever felt like you don't quite fit in? Like you're a rare gem in a sea of ordinary stones? That's because you are a limited edition, my friend. Every person on this planet is unique in their own way, with their own set of skills, experiences, and perspectives. Just like a limited edition item, we are one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated. Our individuality should be celebrated, not suppressed. The problem is, society often tells us to Eand fit into a certain mold. We're bombarded with images and messages that tell us what we should look like, what we should do for a living, and how we should act. It's easy to feel like we need to change ourselves to fit in and be accepted. But here's the thing: trying to be someone else or fit into a predetermined mold will only make you unhappy in the long run. When you embrace your unique qualities, you'll find that you're much happier and fulfilled. You have something special to offer the world, something

6 Healthy Habits For Weight Loss

6 Healthy Habits For Weight Loss   Obesity is a critical health issue that has become a global public health problem. Trying to lose weight can feel challenging, but incorporating healthy habits into your lifestyle can help you achieve your goal. However, it’s essential to remember that losing weight is not an overnight process. It requires consistent effort and patience. Here are six healthy habits for weight loss: 1. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is critical when trying to lose weight. Sleep deprivation can affect your hormones (leptin and ghrelin) responsible for regulating appetite. Leptin tells your brain that you're full, while ghrelin stimulates hunger. When you're sleep-deprived, you produce more ghrelin and less leptin, leading to hunger and cravings for processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night can help reduce these hunger-stimulating hormones, hinder cravings, and control your appetite. It can also provid

Be You, Not Them

Image   In today's world, it is incredibly easy to get lost in the sea of social media, advertisements, and trends. Everywhere you look, there's pressure to conform to what society deems as "normal" or "cool." However, it is essential to remember that no one has the power to define who you are except for yourself. Being true to yourself is the most important thing, and in this blog, we will explore why you should be you and not them. 1. You will be happier: When you stay true to who you are, you will be happy with yourself, regardless of what anyone else says or thinks. You won't have to pretend to be someone else, or put on an act to impress others, which can be exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling. By being yourself, you will attract the right people who accept you for who you are, rather than who they want you to be. And that is a much more fulfilling relationship. 2. You will have more confidence: When you're not trying to be


Image THE UNIVERSAL WAY The whole universe has submitted to God. Everything proceeds on the path that God has laid down for it. Trees stand high, but they cast their shadows on the ground in humility. Winds blow, but they do not clash with anybody. The sun radiates light on all alike; it does not discriminate between the weak and the mighty. Rain falls from the sky, benefiting all whom it reaches; it is not prejudiced against anyone. Birds and ants are busy in their search for their food, but they do not steal one another's share. This is the path ordained by God for the universe and this is the way that man should live also. God's beloved servants are humble like the shadow of a tree. They pass one another by like gentle puffs of wind. They are kind and well-meaning to one and all alike in the manner of the rain. They nourish others like river - water. They shed light on all like the sun. They are always careful not to trouble anyone. Such pure souls will dw


Image LOSS TURNED TO GAIN Man longs more than anything for a world full of happiness. This longing is inborn in every human being, but everyone leaves the world without ever having achieved it. Man wants to see all his desires satisfied in this world, but the world cannot provide what he wants; so man is left in a state of disillusionment. While we are still on the road to success, death ends everything. We make huge advances in the field of technology, only to see them rendered meaningless by new problems. We build for ourselves the kind of home we have always dreamed of having but, in it, we are still. beset by the rivalry, jealousy, enmity, and vengeance of others. Man is right to long for an ideal world, but he can never find it on Earth. He will have to wait until the next life for the realization of such a world. Faith in eternity invests our life on earth with meaning. Our life on Earth is one of struggle and in eternity we will be rewarded for our efforts on E