
Showing posts from September, 2022

Taking Mental Health Seriously

  Mental health is something that not enough of us think about. Yet, it’s so important and has a huge impact on our lives. With the pressures of everyday life getting more and more intense, it’s no surprise that mental health has taken a hit. Mental illnesses are on the rise, with the World Health Organization estimating that by 2020 they will be the leading cause of disease and disability in the world. In fact, one in four people will suffer from some form of mental illness at some point in their life. But you don’t have to be one of those people. With these helpful tips, you can live your best life and improve your mental health every day! Know what’s normal and what’s not One of the first steps to getting your mental health in check is to know what’s normal and what isn’t. Unfortunately, most people don’t even know where to start, which is why so many people are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Make sure you’re aware of the signs and symptoms of the most common mental illnesses so you c

Is yoga really beneficial?

  If you’re looking for ways to improve your mental health, balance your life, and feel great—all at the same time—you might want to think about giving yoga a try. This ancient practice has exploded in popularity in recent years thanks to its many benefits. In fact, studies have shown that practicing yoga on a regular basis can decrease stress levels, increase blood circulation, improve range of motion, and even help you sleep better at night. However, just like with any activity or hobby, there are right ways and wrong ways to practice yoga. It is important that you understand what a typical class involves before diving in head first. These helpful tips will give you everything you need to know about the potential benefits of this practice so you can make an informed decision about whether or c not it’s right for you. Reduce Stress and Anxiety One of the most well-known benefits of yoga is its ability to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. It can be difficul

Setting Healthy Boundaries

 Do you struggle with saying no? Do you feel like people constantly demand your time and energy, leaving little for yourself? Setting boundaries is not about locking yourself away from the world or becoming reclusive. Rather, it’s about acknowledging your own needs and learning to honor them in order to protect your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This article will help you learn how to set healthy boundaries so that you don’t feel taken advantage of or overextended. Setting boundaries is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and courage. These strategies will help you begin the process of setting (and keeping) healthy boundaries. Know your own limits You must know what you are capable of and what you’re not in order to set healthy boundaries. For example, if you are not able to host an event at your home due to lack of space, then you must be able to recognize that and say so. If you are always running yourself ragged in an effort to pl

5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Love So You Can Be More Productive

 Over the last year, we’ve seen more and more articles about self-love. It’s a great thing that so many people are talking about self-love, but as with most things, there is also a point where it starts becoming over-saturated. What made these articles so popular is how relatable they were for so many people. Self-Love isn’t just some kind of luxury only for the rich and famous. In fact, almost everyone struggles with their own self-esteem from time to time. It doesn’t matter if you live in a small town or big city; no one is immune to those feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence. Here are 5 ways to boost your self-love so you can be more productive: Change your mindset It’s not just a cliche: If you want to change something, you need to start with the way you think about it. This is the key to overcoming most of your self-esteem issues: If you are constantly telling yourself that you are not good enough, you will never be able to achieve your goals. This is the same as if you h