


  Who will be saved WHO WILL BE SAVED To be deserving of heaven in the next world, one must experience it in this world: one must attain the spiritual uplift which will qualify one for heaven in the hereafter. Fear of Judgement-day should make the hair on one's body stand on end. One's heart should be illuminated by manifestations of God's glory which make one feel close to Him. One should suppress feelings of anger and ven-geance, demonstrating thus what the forgiveness of the Lord will be like. One should witness through one's own tears of contrition the scene of a forgiving master par-. doning his repentant servant.One should pardon those who are at one's mercy in the hope that God will be forgiving on the day that one will be totally at his mercy. One should control one's tongue though one is able to speak at will. One should bow before the truth on earth, as others will in eternity. The believer is a flower of


  HEAVENLY CONDUCT HEAVENLY CONDUCT Heavenly conduct has repercussions within a person; it brings the verdure of paradise to a person's soul. One might seem to be active, but if one is not spiritually benefiting from one's actions, they are worthless. Truly virtuous action should spark off divine consciousness in one's mind; it should make one's heart beat with a divine rhythm; it should move one's soul to ecstasy; it should make something tremendous happen within one, to open a window on sublime realities. What is important as far as the next life is concerned is not what one is doing, but what one is becoming. One may be very busy in life; one may have a long list of achievements to one's credit; but if one is inwardly unaffected, then one's actions are futile. What is the good of the wind if it does not carry oxygen? What is the good of water if it does not quench one's thirst? What is the good of food if it fails to nourish? What is the good of th


  HEAVENLY ACTIONS Those who delight in heavenly action in this world will taste the delights of paradise in eternity. Heaven is for those who depend more on God's invisible support than on the visible props of this world; who love and fear God above all things; who are willing to obey the Prophet under any circumstances; to whom eternity matters more than this world; who prefer to acknowledge truth than to reject it; who derive more satisfaction from tears shed for God's sake. than from heedless peals of laughter. If a question of pride comes in the way of acknowledging the truth, they are ready to accept the truth at the cost of wounded pride. Forgiving those who wrong them pleases them more than seeking revenge. Fairness to others is dearer to them than usurpation of others' rights. They prefer to suppress feelings of envy and contempt which flare up within them than to express them. They do not form a bad opinion of others, but prefer to think well of everyone. THE H


  THE INHERITANCE OF PARADISE THE INHERITANCE OF PARADISE The believer is like a solid tree, which is nourished by the whole universe. Sustained by his belief, he grows like a splendid tree, with his roots spread out under the ground and his branches reaching up into the sky. Never deserted by divine succour, he exudes freshness and vitality at all times. He prospers in this world and the next. The unbeliever, on the other hand, is like a bramble bush, or a weed which grows on the surface of the earth, bereft of divine succour. He is unstable in this world, and will give no fruit in the next. He loses out in both places. God has given unbelievers some rein in this ephemeral world, and the opportunities they have been given on earth should be seen in this light. Since they are being tested in this world, they have the chance to grow and develop temporarily on earth. But when the period of trial has run its course, they will burn forever. The only souls to inherit the luxuriant world


PEOPLE OF PARADISE   PEOPLE OF PARADISE Those who live by the Book of God receive God's special favours in this world, and are promised heaven in the next world. But they will not be granted them solely on the basis of their own actions. People of the Book tend to forget this difference: they take it for granted that, whether they follow God's commandments or not, God's promise unto them will be fulfilled, and they will surely enter the kingdom of heaven. True religious spirit makes one realistic, as long as the followers of revealed religions possess this spirit they will realize that God is just, and will reward people according to their actions alone. On the other hand, when people lose the true religious spirit, they take to wishful thinking. Real actions give way to false hopes. They think that they will be admitted into paradise because they belong to a certain community, whether they do good deeds or not. Success in the hereafter is for those who conform to divin


A FLOWER OF PARADISE A FLOWER OF PARADISE The true believer is a flower of paradise. His fragrance is manifested in the form of divine characteristics in this life and will be transformed into tangible blessings in the hereafter. Heaven is another name for these blessings. The believer is one who is so involved in the hereafter that he becomes indifferent to the world. He puts up with any sufferings that others may cause him. He is so conscious of his own failures that he does not mind being criticized. If others humiliate him, he forgives them for God's sake. His heart has been purified by true devotion to God, so he forgives and forgets others' excesses. He is so free of malice that he prays for those who wrong him. God is pleased with such souls and will admit them into paradise. Paradise is a refined world which only refined souls can enter. Those who lead negative lives and act in a spiteful manner are not worthy to dwell in it. People think that they are bound for heaven

The Silent Killers

The Silent Killers Introduction: Are you aware that stress and anxiety can have devastating effects on your overall well-being? Chronic stress and anxiety can silently creep into your life, slowly destroying your mental and physical health. It's time to acknowledge the severity of these conditions and take proactive steps to manage them before it's too late. The Alarming Statistics:  Stress and anxiety affect over 40 million adults in the United States alone. - 75% of people experience moderate to high levels of stress. - Anxiety disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. The Deadly Consequences: -Increased blood pressure and cardiovascular disease - Weakened immune system - Digestive problems and irritable bowel syndrome - Depression and suicidal thoughts - Sleep disorders and fatigue - Decreased productivity and strained relationships Breaking the Cycle: - Recognise the signs: Identify your stress and anxiety triggers. - Se