
What You Choose To Focus On....Will Grow

  What you choose to focus on will grow. This statement is one of the most profound truths that you can ever learn in your lifetime. It goes beyond simple optimism or positive thinking; it encompasses the very fabric of human nature and the power of the mind. The mind is an incredibly powerful tool. It is capable of creating our reality and shaping our outlook on life. What we choose to focus on is what we give energy and attention to. Therefore, if we focus on negativity, we will attract more negative experiences, thoughts, and people into our lives. Conversely, if we focus on positive things, we will attract more positive experiences, thoughts, and people. It is all about the power of intention. When we set our intention toward something, we begin to focus our thoughts, energy, and attention on it. This focus creates a magnetic energy that will attract more of what we desire into our lives. If our intention is negative, we will attract more negativity, but if it is positive, we will

when you"re in a DARK PLACE

DARK PLACE   Being in a dark place can be one of the most challenging situations that anyone can experience in their life. It's that place where you lose hope, you feel helpless, and you're just uncertain about what's going on. It's that feeling of loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and depression that can pull you down and make life unbearable. However, it's important to know that being in a dark place is not a permanent situation, and it's not something that you should ignore or try to handle alone. In this blog, we will explore some of the effective measures that can help you overcome being in a dark place and return to the bright and vibrant life that you deserve. get help Reach Out for Help The first step to overcoming being in a dark place is to reach out for help. Don't think that you're alone because there are many people who care about your well-being and are willing to extend a helping hand. Whether it's family, friends, or a professional therap

How To Make A Lovely Day

lovely day   Everyone wants to have a lovely day, but not everyone knows how to make one. There is no magic formula for creating a perfect day, but there are certain things you can do to increase the likelihood that your day will be enjoyable and fulfilling. 1. Start the Day Right❤ How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you wake up feeling stressed or rushed, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a lovely day. But if you wake up feeling refreshed and energized, your day will be off to a great start. To wake up feeling refreshed, make sure you get enough sleep each night. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and establish a consistent sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends. To wake up feeling energized, try to get moving as soon as possible after you wake up. This could mean doing some light exercise, going for a walk outside, or simply stretching your body. You may also find it helpful to practice mindfulness meditation

Practising self love

Why fit in Self-love is essentially an ever-evolving journey that requires patience, persistence, and commitment. It's about conscious decisions you make daily to show yourself kindness, compassion, and gratitude. While we often focus on showing love and affection to others, it's crucial to practice self-love. Practicing self-love can help enhance self-esteem and confidence, reduce depression and anxiety, and promote overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore what self-love means, why it's important, and how to practice it. What is Self-Love? Self-love is all about accepting, appreciating, and nurturing yourself. It's about acknowledging your strengths, weaknesses, faults, and imperfections without judging yourself harshly. Self-love involves treating yourself with compassion and kindness, understanding that making mistakes is a vital part of learning and growing, and forgiving yourself for your past and current shortcomings. Why is Self-Love Important? Pr

Seasons of the Soul

Seasons     The changing seasons are not just a physical phenomenon, but a spiritual one too. The rhythms of nature have a profound effect on the human psyche and can bring deep healing and renewal to the soul . winter Winter Winter is a time for introspection and rest. The days are shorter, the nights are longer, and the weather is colder. Nature slows down, and so do we. It's a time to retreat inward, reflect on the past year, and contemplate the future. Winter is a time for letting go of old habits, thoughts, and patterns that no longer serve us. We can take this time to plant seeds for new growth and receive insights from our intuition. In many traditions, including Christianity, winter is associated with death and rebirth. It's a time when the old dies away, making way for the new. This period can be challenging for those who struggle with depression, as the lack of sunlight and social isolation can exacerbate symptoms. However, there are ways to cope with the winter blues

Lifestyle during Ramadan

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My Boundaries

 healthy boundaries   Why healthy boundaries are important, and how to create and maintain healthy boundaries for ourselves.     To put it in simple terms, boundaries are like invisible lines that define the limits of what we're comfortable with, what we're not comfortable with, and how we want others to treat us. They're like a fence, a border or a shield that separates us from others, letting us know where we stand and what we can or cannot tolerate in our relationships, work, and personal life. These boundaries are crucial for maintaining healthy and positive relationships with ourselves and others. They protect and respect our needs, values, and beliefs, and allow us to be more authentic and confident in our interactions with others. When our boundaries are not respected or taken for granted, we may feel resentful, disrespected, or unsupported, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. So how do we create and maintain healthy boundaries in o