
Showing posts from April, 2024

Can self-love be harmful?

Self-love      Self-love ❤👲 Self-love can be harmful if it becomes excessive or narcissistic. Extreme self-love can lead to a lack of empathy for others, an inflated sense of self-importance, and a failure to recognize one's own limitations. Additionally, focusing too much on oneself and one's own needs can lead to neglect of important relationships and responsibilities. Like anything else, it's important to find a balance and practice self-love in moderation. ❤Self-love, like any other emotion or behavior, can become harmful if it is taken to an extreme or is not balanced with other emotions and behaviors. For example, if someone is so focused on self-love that they neglect the needs and feelings of others, it can lead to negative consequences in their relationships. Additionally, if someone is so preoccupied with self-love that they become narcissistic or arrogant, it can lead to negative consequences in their professional and pers


                         The lesson of a tree              THE LESSON OF A TREE🥦 Take a look at a tree. Its trunk is firm and solid, but its leaves, fruits, and flowers are weak and impermanent. Yet the beauty of its leaves, the colorfulness of its flowers, and the delicacy of its fruits show that these less substantial parts of the tree deserve greater attention from nature than the stronger parts. It seems as if the trunk and the branches were created to bring into existing flowers and fruits. tense the fragile masterpieces of creation called leaves, This is a sign of God, showing man what his Lord requires of him, and what he should do to make the tree of his life blossom. A tree shows a man that he should see the meaning of things beneath the surface. he should not be overly impressed by outward strength. People who adopt this attitude to life will be admitted into paradise. Man worships stone and ignores truth. He is polite and


    CITIZEN OF PARADISE   CITIZEN OF PARADISE In heaven God's praises will be sung on all sides; only he will be glorified. Only those who praise and glorify God on earth will be fit to enter such a heaven. If one attributes greatness to oneself or others, how can one be fit for heaven? Words will accord with actions in paradise. There will be no deceit there. People will not exploit others, or hurt others' feelings. Only those who have proved by their actions on earth that they can live up to such high standards will be admitted into paradise. Heaven will be a world full of positive actions. Only those who think positively on earth can enter such a heaven. Those who engage in negative and destructive pursuits in this world cannot hope to enter paradise in the next world. Man will not be able to hurt man in heaven. Only those who have not harbored jealous or evil thoughts towards others will be deserving of such a paradise, for only by refraining from harming others can one